
Showing posts from March, 2022

My Kids Aren't Always My "Why"

Every path into and through motherhood is unique. This is my specific journey. However you are making it happen, you are doing a great job Mama.  Motherhood is not for the faint of hear t _____ "But I think I'd rather be working…"  This is perhaps the most vulnerable statement I've ever shared publicly, and it has taken a lot of time, reflection, and therapy to unravel the emotional knot in my stomach as those words first popped into my head while watching my at-the-time seven-month old.  For those who don't know our story or haven't been close to it in a while, Marc and I brought our first son into the world on March 1, 2020.  Almost exactly one year later we learned we were pregnant with twin boys who completed our family on October 31, 2021. Three under two. It was a lot. It is still a lot, and learning to integrate my new role as mom with my already established roles of wife and career professional has been the most vulnerable journey I've ever bee...