Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Life At Light Speed

Holy Adventure! Holy Change! Holy Living! When I look back over the past ten months now, those are first three things that come to mind. It's been a ride.

As I logged on to write this post, I realized that the last time I wrote was in September. September! It's been nearly five months, and it seriously feels like yesterday. Although, when I think about all of the places I've been since then, all of life changes, all of the new in just five months...wow. 2014 was definitely a year well lived. As told by my lull in writing, at some point along the way, living became more important than reflecting. At least for the immediate moment. There's not enough space on this page to share all of those moments now; however, I am proud to say that I kept a daily journal for the entire trip. Everything I saw. Every person I met. Every time I got lost. Every emotion. It's all in there, and my hope is to continue to share those posts as I have time to reflect and write. For now though, Life as it is today. Post-Europe Amanda.

I knew this experience would change me in many ways, open my eyes, open my mind to ideas outside of myself. I was hoping for that. I was hoping to learn, to experience, to let go a little, and I was not disappointed. There was a lot of fear in the early stages of making this happen. Quitting an amazing job without any other plans of income, leaving friends and a gym that had become family, knowing that once I got over there my closest contact would still be oceans away, being alone. Just me. When's the last time you were 'just you'? And I'm not talking about being alone for a little while or even living alone. I had lived alone for two years prior to the trip, and I'm not ever sure I was 'just me'. I was always busy and distracted with what was going on around me: friends, work, Crossfit, reality tv. Whatever. I would say that learning to be just me is one the greatest take aways from the journey. I learned a lot about myself.  For example,  I like to wander; just walk around a watch life unfold around me. I could seriously do that for hours. Vanilla gelato is my favorite. I feel more put together when my toenails are painted. I'm addicted to peanut butter which is nonexistent in most of Europe. History is where it's at; I'm not really a huge fan of art. My sense of cardinal direction is awful, but my ability to retrace any track I've walked before is spot on. I like talking to strangers. White wine; not red. I have a intuitive sense of alertness when something feels off and an inner strength that is there when it needs to be. I remember standing in front of Eiffel Tower on the day before I flew back home with this overwhelming feeling of security, and pride, and accomplishment, and I realized that I never want my life to fall into a place of complacency where those feelings no longer exist. Always finding that sweet spot of being in the moment and enjoying life as it happens around you while at the same time preparing yourself for the next mountain.

I made it back to the US a few days before my 27th birthday, and the months after that are seriously a blur. Here's where life has landed.

Denver, Colorado is where 2014 ended and 2015 began for Alex and I. Together :) We made the move in December after I accepted a job offer as a Business Intelligence Consultant for Credera Consulting. Alex and his business partner, Joe, have been successful in getting Altius Medical Solutions off the ground in Arkansas, and Alex is continuing to build that success here in Denver. We've found a new gym home at Backcountry Crossfit where they practice sans-oxygen Crossfit. You think I'm kidding. Functional fitness at 6000 ft elevation is a whole different ball game. A light jog feels like Fran. Muscles just stop working about 2 minutes into any workout. It's a good time. No need to worry though, the Open starts in 23 days, and I'm proud to say that I can make it to our second story apartment without having stop and catch my breath :) On a more serious note, however, I must say that I feel extremely blessed that I have found two gym homes that share a similar community, a similar camaraderie, a similar family.

I took a huge leap of faith 10 months ago, and life has fallen back into place. Things are pretty much back to normal; well a new normal. Days fly by with work and training. I leave my house at 7am with a laptop bag, a gym bag, and 4 meals packed; and I usually don't walk back through the door until after 8 pm. The grind. I'm good at the grind; I've done it all of my life. I'm in my element. Focused. Productive. However, there is mental paradigm shift when you spend 128 days living out of backpack on the other side of the world. I remember that feeling of absolute spontaneity, of having no schedule, and I find balance in the day-to-day of life. The happy medium I spoke of in a previous post. I notice the beauty around me. I stop to look at the mountains and make sure I catch the sunsets. I talk to strangers. I keep a fresh perspective on stress and daily mishaps. So what if you left your coffee on the kitchen counter or there is traffic where Google Maps clearly says there shouldn't be. Remember that time you were lost in a huge Italian city for four hours, in the rain, with every inch of the 37 pounds you had with you absolutely sopping wet. Oh, and you didn't speak Italian! Perspective. It's really not that bad. Stress is a decision. So while life is very much routine again, many pieces of my journey still remain as I hope they always do.

I'm not signing off of Backpacks and Barbells. The world is a great big place, and I've still only seen a small portion of it. Alex and I plan to continue to explore, and I'll be sure to bring everyone along.

For 2014 though, I can definitely say that I lived.

Four months in four minutes: Living A Dream

The Final List
Athens, Greece - Reebok Crossfit Primal
Santorini, Greece
Naples, Italy - Crossfit Napoli
Rome, Italy  - Crossfit Villa Albani
Venice, Italy
Lucca, Italy  - Crossfit Lucca
Florence, Italy - Crossfit Firenze
Pisa, Italy
Salt Lake City, Utah - XCel Fitness
Barcelona, Spain - Reebok Crossfit BCN
Pamplona, Spain
San Sebastian, Spain
Dublin, Ireland - Ronin Crossit / Crossfit Perpetua Dublin
Galway, Ireland - Crossfit Galway
Edinburgh, Scotland - Crossfit Edinburgh
London, England - Crossfit Perpetua
Brussels, Belgium - Crossfit Power Factory
Brugge, Belgium
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Mobilis Crossfit Amsterdam
Berlin, Germany - Crossfit Werk
Prague, Czech Republic - Crossfit Committed
Krakow, Poland - Crossfit 72D
Frutigen, Switzerland
Murren, Switzerland
Grindelwald, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland - Reebok Crossfit Zurich
Munich, Germany - Crossfit Munich
Paris, France - Reebok Crossfit Louvre

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