Packing... It was as hard as I imagined it would be if not harder. To be honest, I'm not sure I've ever felt more high maintenance. I all of a sudden had an emotional attachment to articles of clothing, or maybe the thought of being over there and not having the exact thing I needed scared me. My first attempt ended in at least a quarter of my stuff not even fitting in the backpack. Items that I had deemed necessities laying outside of the already busting zippers. So I unpack. Reassess. Start again by choosing the things I absolutely can not live without. I think I parted with three items. Repack. No go. This process of unpacking, purging, and repacking went on four or five times until I could finally get the bag zipped. Never once through all of this did it cross my mind that I would actually be carrying this across Europe. Forty-seven pounds on your shoulders will make your arms go numb in about 10 minutes. Not feasible. Process repeat. Here's the list of items that made ...