Sunday, May 25, 2014


"To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi" - William Faulkner

I was reminded of this quote a few months ago; and in the light of the journey I am now on, it made me stop and think. If anyone asks me where I'm from, I always proudly reply "the Mississippi Gulf Coast". After some time thinking on what this quote means to me, I've come to realize that Mississippi is more than where I'm from; it is in large part who I am. I've lived outside of Mississippi for almost 10 years now, but it takes no more than a few days for me to be reminded of why this place is so special. In Mississippi, quality of life is measured in relationships and time spent with loved ones. Success is measured in hard work and perseverance. In Mississippi, Sunday lunches are eaten together in the house that was built entirely by the hands of family. Crawfish and crabs are thrown on one table, and everyone is welcome. In Mississippi, communities are rebuilt through a common understanding and kindness. Family and friends gather just to enjoy each other's company, sit on the back porch, and maybe drink a glass of sweet tea. Life feels a tad bit slower. In Mississippi, what you see is what you get. We are who we are. Life is simple, but in that, there is pride. There is happiness.



Over the past few weeks, I've had numerous people ask the reason for my trip. Am I looking to find myself? Am I looking for happiness? Soul searching? The truth is that  I'm honestly not looking or searching for anything. I understand that none of those things can be found out in world. I understand that the places I go or things I do don't change who I am. I understand that happiness doesn't come in a box, or a check, or a plane. Happiness isn't material. It is a decision, a perspective. It is simple. I understand that happiness comes from gratefulness and not the other way around.  I understand Mississippi. So now as I travel, I get to appreciate all of the beauty this world has to offer and do it without expecting anything in return. My happiness is found. I want to learn, grow, experience, become. I want to, at the end of my years, be able to look back and simply say "I lived"

One Republic - I Lived

It's real life now. Next post will be about my Adventures in Greece. Stay tuned.


  1. Love you, girl! Beautiful writing....made the waterworks spring a leak. lol. xoxo

  2. love your perspective as always....wisdom is a gift
